Oh my god, woman. You bring your fucking screaming little brat child in this library every day. And it ALWAYS makes a loud ass scene.
Take a hint.
This is a library, you fucking cunt.
The universe appears to be clumpier than astronomers expected, according to the largest galaxy survey to date. The extra clumps could call for a redesign of the standard model of cosmology, and maybe a new understanding of how gravity works.“Maybe on very large scales, Einstein’s general relativity is slightly wrong,” said cosmologist Shaun Thomas of University College London, lead author of a new paper in Physical Review Letters. “This potentially could be one of the first signs that something peculiar is going on.”When viewed close up, the matter in the universe bunches up into stars, galaxies and galaxy clusters. But as you zoom out, cosmologists expect the universe to look more and more smooth, sort of the way details in an earthly landscape blend together when viewed from an airplane.
Anytime I hear the opening chords to “Dream On” by Aerosmith, before Steven Tyler starts to sing, I begin the lyrics to “Sing for the Moment” by Eminem.
It’s not that “Dream On” isn’t an awesome song in it’s own right without the sampling, it is, it’s probably my favorite Aerosmith song, but “Sing For the Moment” is my favorite Eminem song, and one of the ones I know all the lyrics to off the top of my head.
I’ll call you names cause saying ‘babe’ all the time gets old. I’ll laugh at you. I’ll tease you. I’ll push your buttons just to see you get mad cause it’s cute. I’ll hit you playfully. I’ll hold you from behind and kiss you suddenly. I’ll jump on you out of nowhere. I’ll make stupid faces with you. We’ll do stupid things together.
“I always tell the girls, never take it seriously, if ya never take it seriosuly, ya never get hurt, ya never get hurt, ya always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends.”
1. ZIP code: Zone Improvement Plan code
2. M&M’s (chocolate): Mars & Murrie’s
3. Re: (in an email): Regarding (not reply!)
4. T9 (on mobiles): Texting on 9 keys
5. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
6. Laser: Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation
7. JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group
8. IMAX (movies): Image Maximum
9. Radar: Radio Detection and Ranging
10. Lego: Leg Godt (“play well” in Danish)
11. Ok: Oll Korrect (“All Correct”)
12. Wi-fi: Wireless Fidelity
13. CAPTCHA (this): Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
14. RSVP: Répondez S‘il Vous Plaît (“Reply Please”)
15. Yahoo! (the website): Yet Another Hierarchial Official Oracle
“Boomy is having the baby! Get her to the hospital or safely home and await the arrival!” Sims reference ftw.
Don’t sit there, calling me pathetic, telling me you feel sorry for me, and telling me what to do with my Facebook. YOU’RE pathetic. YOU’RE the one stalking me. YOU’RE the one who can’t let shit go.
That’s the difference between me and you. I can let go of shit AND REALISE IT’S NOT GOOD FOR ME, and you can’t. GROW THE FUCK UP.
You both know there’s a lot of girls after him, but he acts like you’re the only girl in his world. When he’s the first one to text you good morning and goodnight. When he looks past your imperfections - he thinks you still look cute without your make up on. He makes promises that he can keep. When he wouldn’t mind to just cuddle with you, than make.