My Confession

I had 5 meals in the last 7 hours. I’m on a diet.

A story that makes me smile: 
Every single time I hungout with my girl friends in Germany, we’d all plan to get ready and go out to the club, but we always end up staying home for 5 more hours drinking vodka, smoking strawberry shisha, dressing up, and singing to Jet. :)
NASA’s WISE Mission Captures Black Hole’s Wildly Flaring Jet

Astronomers using NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) have captured rare data of a flaring black hole, revealing new details about these powerful objects and their blazing jets.

Scientists study jets to learn more about the extreme environments around black holes. Much has been learned about the material feeding black holes, called accretion disks, and the jets themselves, through studies using X-rays, gamma rays and radio waves. But key measurements of the brightest part of the jets, located at their bases, have been difficult despite decades of work. WISE is offering a new window into this missing link through its infrared observations.

You know when I realised I loved him? It was when I realised that anything that ever happened, good or bad, I wanted to tell him about. He was the first person I wanted to know, and I couldn’t wait to tell him, and talk to him, and listen to him and it’s like I love learning new things every time I talk to him.
Let's just talk & be friends again. I'm tired of playing this stranger game.
Honestly, I don't need someone that sees what's good about me. I need someone that sees the bad, and still wants me.

You know...

I usually don’t get all butthurt about this type of stuff. I legit got happy to go out last night. It seemed (at least to me) that I was invited to chill with some new people. I guess that wasn’t the case. The whole situation may have not been intentional.. I still was left feeling not wanted. I am sure some of you know that feeling of when you’re not wanted or needed.. It’s such a shitty feeling.

I am one of those people who are set in their ways. I figured I’d break out of that for the night to just go try new things. To meet new people… Like always it backfires on me.

I will be over this by the morning. Just feeling shitty right now.
There's always that one really nice person that you'll always feel awkward around.